Teoría de la mente y percepción social en adolescentes con TDAH y Trastorno negativista desafiante
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How to Cite

Gelves-Ospina, M., Benítez-Agudelo, J. C., Escalona-Oliveros, J., & Jaraba-Vergara, R. (2020). Teoría de la mente y percepción social en adolescentes con TDAH y Trastorno negativista desafiante. Tesis Psicológica, 15(1), 90-105. https://doi.org/10.37511/tesis.v15n1a5


The ability to detect emotional expressions or understand the social behavior of people in specific situations, corresponds to a skill that develops in early life and can be change when there is a disorder. The objective of this study was to describe and compare the theory of mind (ToM) and social perception in adolescents between 11 and 15 years with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in comorbidity (ADHD / TND ). The sample was composed of 30 subjects intentionally
chosen: 10 corresponded to the group of cases with ADHD, 10 to the group with ADHD + TND and 10 subjects of a Control Group (without apparent pathology). The Faux Pas test and Eyes Test (Baron-Cohen, O'Riordan, Stone, Jones & Plaisted, 1998; Baron-Cohen 2001), were ¿ applied. The results show significant differences between the two study groups and the control group in relation to the perception of emotional expressions and perception of social behavior. No significant differences were found between the two case groups (ADHD and ADHD + TND), with respect to the variables. Disorders whose neuroanatomical basis are a dysfunction in the fronto-striated circuits represent a deficit in social cognition that affects the perceptual, cognitive and emotional processes involved in social interaction, fundamentally in the adolescent stage.

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