Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022): Perspectivas en salud mental
Perspectivas en salud mental

Sección Monográfica

Sandra Constanza Cañón B., Mariela Narváez M., Paola Botero M., Olga Lucia Montoya H., Gloria Isabel Bermúdez J., Juan Manuel Pérez Agudelo
Characterization of mental health conditions of students at the University of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
PDF (Spanish)
Maricelly Gómez-Vargas, Mônica Lima de Jesus
Place of mental health in psychology in Colombia
PDF (Spanish)
Reynaldo Andrés Reyes-Gualtero, Jhonny Fernando García-Aguirre, Kelly Cardona-Londoño, Mary Orrego-Cardozo
Genetic markers in posttraumatic stress disorder: polymorphisms in SLC6A4 and BDNF
PDF (Spanish)
Hansel Duque
Interpretive phenomenological analysis of the lived experience of people diagnosed with schizophrenia
PDF (Spanish)
Ignacio Barreira, Leandro Bevacqua, César Amaya, María Camila Bidal, Paula Varela
Evaluation of effectiveness in brief and focused psychological treatments: qualitative and quantitive results
PDF (Spanish)
Erika Lizeth Moreno-Calderón, Mayerly Chávez-Castro, Diana Ximena Puerta-Cortés, Ana Camila García-Murillo
Self-concept and physical appearance in female Instagram users: a self-compassion mediation model
PDF (Spanish)

Perspectivas de Intervención

Virgelina Castellanos-Páez, Daniela González-Gamboa, Ludy Yolanda Montañez
Sensibilidad y especificidad de los Cuestionarios de Edades y Etapas: Social-emocional (ASQ:SE-2) en una población colombiana
PDF (Spanish)
Anabel de la Rosa Gómez, Alicia Ivet Flores-Elvira, Germán Alejandro Miranda-Díaz
Attitudes of psychology students and teachers towards technology-mediated clinical interventions
PDF (Spanish)