Characterization of mental health conditions of students at the University of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
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Characterization of mental health conditions of students at the University of Manizales, Caldas, Colombia. (2022). Tesis Psicológica, 17(2), 1-21.


Introduction: Mental health problems occur throughout the life course, from mild and time-limited afflictions to chronic, progressive, and severely disabling conditions. The university context is no stranger to this problem; students must adapt to university life and all that it contains, including the social determinants of this condition that may affect mental health Objective: To characterize the mental health conditions of students at the University of Manizales. Method: A quantitative approach study was developed with a cross-sectional analytical observational design. Information was collected in a census of 2436 undergraduate students of the University of Manizales Results: 48% of the students reported having suffered at some time in their lives from one or more of the following disorders: depression, anxiety disorders, panic attacks or crisis, manic depressive disorder, bipolar disorder or mania, other emotional problems. A statistically significant association was found, with p less than or equal to 0.05, between the personal history of an emotional disorder with sex, sexual orientation, religiosity, origin, and type of student. Conclusion: University students in advanced semesters presented a higher risk of suffering a mental disorder, a factor that has been related to a high risk of suicidal behavior. Social determinants such as sex, sexual orientation, religiosity, origin and type of student are risk factors that affect mental health in university students.

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