The integration of memories in preschool children from a foraging model.

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The integration of memories in preschool children from a foraging model. (2019). Tesis Psicológica, 13(2), 1-17.


Temporal Weighting Rule (TWR) is a model of foraging that can make predictions about integration and comparison of long term memories. These predictions have been demonstrated recently in animals and humans. The aim of this study is to replicate and extend the TWR predictions in child using a search-find virtual task with interactive figures. Preschoolers children searched two consequences with two magnitudes in two successive containers A and B, in three experimental conditions (A<B, A=B and A>B). Finally, during a test they chose between A or B after 24h interval (A<B 24 h, A=B 24h and A>B 24h) or immediately after training (A<B 0h, A=B 0h and A>B 0h). According to each condition, children could obtain higher (A>B), less (A<B) or equal (A=B) magnitude for each consequence during first or second experience of training. The results showed that child make a choice based in the time elapsed and they show dynamic average of both phases. The results suggest that TWR is a model that allows to describe and predict memory integration of spatial and temporal events in animals and humans.


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