Memory as a narrative capacity in the processes of historical reconstruction
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Memory as a narrative capacity in the processes of historical reconstruction. (2021). Tesis Psicológica, 16(2), 276-293.


Memory is one of the most complex subjects of human thinking for two main reasons. First, because it defines who we are, our identity, the "we." Second, because we are the only animals that make our memory a story, and from it, we build ourselves. The objective of this article is to show the different communicative scenarios where stories of different types and orders are created in order to be able to associate around those ideas, images, sounds, or stories; without them, the imaginary construction of our society would not exist. In an armed conflict, the first thing that is fractured is memory because the subjects are affected in such a way that their being is torn apart, and thus, their identity suffers. In this case, the characters that are part of this reconstruction are the members of the security forces. For this reason, it is essential to recognize that memory and history are a fabric made up of many threads that build a weave, so when this structure is torn, the only way to continue is to "sew the warp again." It must be reconstructed, and that can only be achieved by taking those threads, wherever they are left, and putting them together again, even in another fabric that replaces what had been lost. We can conclude, then, that literature, film, photography, and music help us to reconstruct those stories, and that is why narrative, in its various forms, becomes the most important channel to continue living after the tragedy.

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