Background: Psychosocial risk has detrimental implications for the cognitive development of children in contexts of violence and poverty. Objective: To identify the learning capacity and the use of memory strategies in school children with and without psychosocial risk from 7 to 10 years of age. Method: A quantitative study with a cross-sectional design and descriptive scope was carried out. The sample consisted of 12 children with psychosocial risk and 12 control children, between 7 and 10 years of age, enrolled in two public schools in the city of Manizales. The information was collected with an instrument to identify psychosocial risk in children (Test de Aprendizaje Verbal España-Complutense Infantil [TAVECI]), and the Conners Hyperactivity Index version 3 [Conners 3 AL]; the latter was used to control for the variable. A comparative analysis of the TAVECI performance of children at psychosocial risk and controls by age groups (7-8 and 9-10 years) was carried out. Results: a statistically significant difference was found in the performance of some of the memory variables that make up the learning capacity in favor of control children. Main conclusion: Psychosocial risk has implications that impair memory functioning, and consequently, the learning capacity of children under this type of circumstances, especially at a younger age.
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