Design and content validation of a digital neuropsychological screening test for children between 6 and 7 years of age
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Design and content validation of a digital neuropsychological screening test for children between 6 and 7 years of age. (2021). Tesis Psicológica, 16(2), 48-66.



Background: Currently, neuropsychological assessment in children has validated instruments that are extensive and mediated by the child's motivation and interest in participating, which reduces their attentional capacity. Objective: The objective of the research was to design and validate a child neuropsychological screening test in digital format. Methodology: A piece of research based on a non-experimental, instrumental psychometric design that consisted of the development and study of its psychometric properties to determine the content validity of the screening. The data were analyzed utilizing the content validity ratio coefficient formula. There were nine theoretical expert judges. Results: Of the 149 items, 55% were validated without modifications, 41% were retained with modifications, and the equivalent of 4% were discarded. A total of 96% of the items were used for screening. Conclusions: The design of the screening items and the content validity of the exercises were obtained digitally, which allows the tracking of cognitive skills and the early detection of difficulties in children. It also allows showing the effectiveness of the model used for the design of the screening and validation.

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