Analysis of executive functions in a group of demobilized persons sentenced for aggravated homicide
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Analysis of executive functions in a group of demobilized persons sentenced for aggravated homicide. (2021). Tesis Psicológica, 16(1), 202-218.


Background: The study of the executive functions in people who has commit crimes such as aggravated homicide, has taken an increasing interest in neuroscience, even more in the context of armed conflict. Objective: The present quantitative investigation looks for to describe the performance of a group of demobilized from the AUC with a history of aggravated homicide, have in front of tests that measure moral judgment and executive functions of updating, shifting and inhibition. Methodology: Through a non-probability convenience sampling 17 subjects demobilized from the AUC with a history of aggravated homicide were selected, the test were made in prison or in other facilities, always under the custody of Colombian national penitentiary institute. Results: The results show that the sample does not have impaired executive function in updating or shifting, instead exhibit an impaired on inhibition susceptible to large degrees of dispersion and a general emotional difficulty to process a moral dilemma. Conclusions: it is determined that adequate moral judgment and pro social decision making are emerging characteristics of adequate executive functioning and therefore antisocial behaviors such as aggravated homicide lead to inadequate executive, empathic and moral prosecution.

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