Pedagogical practice and motivation from situated learning
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Pedagogical practice and motivation from situated learning. (2021). Tesis Psicológica, 16(1), 178-201.


Background: Applied research on the situated approach to learning has shown that learning by doing, communities of practice and context, promotes motivation and engagement to the task, while encouraging student autonomy and the construction of meaning in a more authentic way. Objective: to analyze how a situated methodology of learning influences the perception of a group of students in relation to their motivation, through the implementation of a pedagogical strategy in the biology class. Methodology: research of a qualitative nature, consisted in the design and implementation of a structured pedagogical strategy on the subject of photosynthesis. The strategy was developed with a group of seventh grade students in a biology class (n=27). The research consisted of three phases, design of the proposal, its implementation and data analysis. The collection techniques were a focus group with students and a structured interview with the teacher. Results: the data were organized into three main relationships: motivation and its impact on the understanding of content, motivation as a way to create meaning, and the role of pedagogical practice for motivation and learning. Conclusions: the research allowed us to verify the effect of the implementation of innovative strategies for learning, accepting situated aspects and recognizing the intimate relationship between affectivity and cognition.

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