A review on metacognition. Some implications for educational processes
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A review on metacognition. Some implications for educational processes. (2021). Tesis Psicológica, 16(1), 100-117. https://doi.org/10.37511/tesis.v16n1a5


Review of Literature: Teaching and learning are cognitive activities that are built in the interaction between teachers and students; their strengthening is related to the knowledge and regulation of mental activity; therefore, it is strategic to understand and promote metacognitive dynamics in the classroom. Objectives: to evidence the conceptual evolution of the term cognition during the last decades and to articulate the main theoretical perspectives on the relationships between cognition and metacognition. Methodology: This review arose from the interpretation of trends, agreements and disagreements in texts published in indexed journals, with emphasis on international journals and handbooks from two international databases: Scopus, in English, and Redalyc, in Spanish. Results: In the first part, the three main theoretical trends on cognition are presented and, in the second part, the evolution of the term metacognition, during the last four decades, in a double perspective: the most relevant conceptual changes of metacognition understood as an individual phenomenon and as a social phenomenon. Conclusions: teachers and students can play a decisive role in the resolution of academic tasks and commitments, if they behave as metacognitive agents, that is, if they strengthen their abilities and dispositions of shared regulation of cognition. This type of interaction has shown significant results in the learning of mathematics, reading, writing, and natural sciences; furthermore, it benefits teachers and students in basic and higher education, because it strengthens their cognitive processes in the management of information and knowledge.


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