Metacognitive judgments in children: A review of conceptual trends in research
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Montoya Londoño, D. M., Orrego Cardozo, M., Puente Ferreras, A., & Tamayo Alzate, Óscar E. (2021). Metacognitive judgments in children: A review of conceptual trends in research. Tesis Psicológica, 16(1), 118-139.


Metacognitive judgments refer to the beliefs that students have before, during, or after being confronted with a learning task. From the bibliometric analyzes perspective, two meta-analyzes on learning judgments carried out in the United States were found as antecedents of the current study, in which the effect of delayed vs immediate judgments was demonstrated. Objective: To establish the conceptual trends in current research about metacognitive judgments in children through a systematic review. Method: A search was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases between 2016-2020 for articles published in English. Once the selection criteria were applied, the elaboration of tables, graphs and descriptive analysis was carried out. Results: 11 articles that met the inclusion criteria in the study were finally analyzed. Four conceptual trends were found among which an important orientation of the field towards studies of metacognitive monitoring and self-regulated learning was evidenced; a lesser orientation of research about work in judgment measurement and in formative evaluation at the level of self-evaluation. Conclusion: An emphasis on research trends is evidenced by intervention works on metacognitive monitoring.

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