Considerations on desire and transference in education
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Considerations on desire and transference in education. (2020). Tesis Psicológica, 15(2), 136-146.


The present work starts from the need to reflect on the place of desire, the transfer and the exercise of power from the psychoanalytic theory in the educational field. Since education is one of the spaces where the exercise of power linked to the interests of the capitalist system comes into play. So it is necessary to think about the subject of education that is currently produced from certain Foucaultian notions articulated to psychoanalysis. The objective is propose a different way for the teacher to face knowledge in the teaching process, and contribute a better learning by students. Finding that it is from giving a place to subjectivity, desire, the word and the singular, that another way can be found in which subjects give a different meaning to their education and therefore, lead them to lose their position in which the system has put them. Which allows us to conclude that the transfer (the relationship that is established between teacher-student) is the point from which you can begin to structure and organize the teaching-learning process in a different way.

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