An homage to the research legacy of Dr. Gregory Schraw: the theory of self-regulated learning

Cómo citar

Gutiérrez de Blume, A. P. (2021). An homage to the research legacy of Dr. Gregory Schraw: the theory of self-regulated learning. Tesis Psicológica, 16(2), 220-237.


Gregory “Gregg” Schraw was an international scholar interested in investigating psychological phenomena related to self-regulated learning theory. This reflection article summarizes Gregg’s research trajectory about the three main components of self-regulated learning: cognition, motivation, and metacognition, while presenting the impact of his trajectory regarding some of the most relevant works of his legacy, and his contributions to the development of self-regulated learning theory and metacognition. The contributions of Gregg’s work to theoretical and applied contexts in his field of research are discussed. The reflection concludes with some implications on Gregg's work and legacy and with the presentation of some of the gaps or gaps that he, as a visionary, considered for the field of study and that in his research program he wanted to pursue in his future work.



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