Emotional Affectin Mexican Diabetic Patients
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How to Cite

Emotional Affectin Mexican Diabetic Patients. (2019). Tesis Psicológica, 14(1), 10-28. https://doi.org/10.37511/tesis.v14n1a1


Diabetes has become one of the priority epidemic problems in Mexico and the rest of the world. This study was designed to evaluate the affection in people with diabetes and to determine if it differs from the one in healthy people. A comparative study that included 34 patients –most of them with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2)– and a group of healthy population was carried out. PANAS measuring instrument was used to detect levels of positive and negative affection. The main results show that people between 21 to 40 years of age show a better emotional balance and/or positive thoughts compared to people between 41 to 50 years of age. People over 50 years of age tend to balance their thoughts much better. Most of the people with diabetes do not practice physical activities, and if they do, it is at an uneven periodicity. The ones who practiced moderate or intense physical activities reported higher levels of positive affection. Most people with diabetes do not have a formal job and move in informality; this working condition was related to superior rates of anger and annoyance. The difference in emotional statuses between healthy people and people with diabetes was statistically significant, as the latter showed a marked tendency toward negative emotions, especially fear and shame, which was higher in female patients. It is recommended to set training to reduce negative emotions and increment the positive ones to achieve a better life quality in patients with diabetes.
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