Specifics of emotional reaction in adolescents and young adults: a psychophysiological study
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Specifics of emotional reaction in adolescents and young adults: a psychophysiological study (Spanish)



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Specifics of emotional reaction in adolescents and young adults: a psychophysiological study. (2013). Tesis Psicológica, 8(2). https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/TesisPsicologica/article/view/340



The passage from age to age depends on multiple cognitive and neurological developmental changes; for affective and social skills, adolescence has proven to be a critical age for making decision, the self-regulation, the monitoring and emotional-affective social analysis. The objective of the study was to compare emotional-affective response between adolescents and young adults. Methods: Subjects had to respond the Self Assessment Manikin (SAM) in a 5 option Likert type scale. Three different scales were presented: happy/unhappy, annoyed/excited, and controlled/in-control. Autonomic EKG, Skin Conductance, Temperature, and EMG response were measured. Results: No statistical differences were shown between age groups in autonomic reaction. The Behavioral response General Lineal Model (GLM) analysis showed significant difference in the subject’s responses to various situations, however non age differences were found. Data suggests a similar level of emotional valence recognition and autonomic reaction between adolescents and young adults. These findings can suggest similar autonomic reaction for both studied groups, which leads to the hypothesis about later development in affective processing in higher central nervous structures, but not for peripheral reaction.

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