Proceso de envío



The authors who are interested in submitting articles for publication should send it via email to the e-mail or through the OJS application:


  1. Texts must be unpublished and original that represent a contribution to psychology, derived from research processes and results in all areas of psychology and interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields.
  2. Articles will be received in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.
  3. Papers will be submitted with a maximum length of twenty letter-size pages, written in Arial font, 12 points, spaced and a half (1.5 points).
  4. The full names and surnames of the author (s) must be submitted, with the appropriate accents; with a footnote specifying the institutional affiliation, last level of studies, and email.
  5. Articles must have the following structure: a) Analytical summary in English and Spanish, or in another language (original of the article) and Spanish; b) The maximum length of the analytical summary is 250 words; c) It must contain a minimum of 3 and a maximum of six keywords in English and Spanish, or in another language (original of the article) and Spanish; d) The key words must correspond to the Unesco or ISOC Psychology Thesauri; e) Introduction; f) Methodology with its respective sections (design and type of study, population and sample, instruments, procedure, analysis of results, ethical considerations; g) Results; h) Discussion; i) Conclusions; j) References according to APA Standards Sixth Edition.
  6. The citations must be presented according to the Norms of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its sixth edition for the Spanish version. All citations must be included in the references, and all references must correspond to citations made throughout the manuscript.
  7. The graphs and / or tables of the articles must be presented with good resolution. If the article is approved, they must be submitted in an editable format for the design and layout of the article.
  8. Along with the article, the duly completed “Authors' Characterization Sheet of the Psychological Thesis Journal” and the respective application letter stating that the writing has not been sent nor will it be submitted to other publications simultaneously and which is original and unpublished. This letter will be signed by all authors.
  9. Only articles that have been approved by the arbitration processes by external, national or international anonymous reviewers, experts in the respective subject, with a minimum academic level of master's degree and with publications in indexed magazines during the last two years will be published. prior to the submission of the article.



Reception and editorial review



  1. All applications are made effective with the confirmation by the editorial team of the Journal, who will verify compliance with the formal requirements for submitting articles.


  1. Within a period of no more than 15 business days, from the date of receipt of the manuscript, the editorial concept will be issued, which decides whether or not to include the article in the process; inclusion depends on the relevance of the theme proposed in the article, taking into account the orientation of the Psychological Thesis. The concept can be approved, approved with adjustments according to the formal requirements for the presentation of the article, or released in cases where the subject is not in accordance with the policies of the Journal.