Recepción de artículos, arbitraje y aprobación

Receipt and editorial review

 a) Every postulation will be effective after the journal editorial team confirmation; this team will verify the fulfillment of every formal requirement for article presentation.

b)The editorial concept will be given within 15 workdays since the date of the article receipt. Such concept decides the acceptance or not of the article in the process. It depends on the appropriateness of the topic in the article, taking into account the orientation of the journal Tesis Psicológica. The concept can be approved, approved with adjustments according to the formal requirements of article presentation, or discharged when the topic is not in line with the journal policies.


 On the evaluation process

 a) Once the article has met the formal aspects and the journal’s favorable concept, the search for external, national or international anonymous evaluators who are experts on the corresponding subject and have, at least, a master study and publications in indexed journals during the two years before the presentation of the article will start.

 b) In the process of evaluation of the article, the anonymity of evaluators and writers will be guaranteed. This evaluation takes place as a double blind review.


 c) The documents will be evaluated by two external pairs or three in case of fundamental discrepancy or when the concepts are confusing.

 d) The external evaluators will be contacted by the journal, sending only the title, overview, and keywords. Once the possible evaluator accepts the designation, the article will be sent keeping the author’s identity anonymous and setting 15 workdays to send back the evaluation and concept. In some cases, the schedule can be adjusted to the evaluator’s availability if this action does not have a decisive impact on the issue in progress.


 e) The results of the external evaluation will be sent via email to the publisher, who will send it to the author keeping the evaluator’s identity anonymous.


 f) The issued concept can be:



Approval with adjustments

Not approved

 g) In case of approval with adjustments, the author or authors will be informed about this concept, and they will be given 15 workdays to make the requested corrections. On the contrary, the journal will assume that the author will abandon he postulation of their article.


 h) At the receipt of the adjusted texts, the fulfillment of every requested recommendation will be verified. The article can be sent back to the author or authors in case the observations that the evaluators gave have not been taken into account.

 i) Once the article is accepted for publishing, the author or authors must fill in and send the next forms via email: 1. A form of authorization for article publishing and reproduction. 2. A form of transfer of rights. 3. A form of declaration of originality of the article.


Note: The responsibility for ideas and opinions that appear in the articles correspond exclusively to the authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions of the Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores and the Journal Tesis Psicológica.

 Style editing

 Once the articles have been approved for publishing and every transfer of rights form is correctly filled and signed by the author or authors, the texts will go to spell and grammar check and style editing. A professional will apply the style editing by suggesting adjustments as comments or using the change tracking function. This way, the authors can accept or reject the suggested changes. However, and in spite of the authors’ criteria, during the style editing process, the following actions are restricted.


  1. Modifying form or contents freely; the changes will be restricted to the suggestions or directions from the style publisher.
  2. Refusing to accept changes that avoid infringing upon APA citation and referencing style, as well as grammar and orthographic rules updated by the RAE or the institution in charge depending on the language.
  3. Refusing to give supplementary information for citing and referencing; page numbers, authors’ names, publishing houses, cities, among others.



Final artwork and publishing

 The publisher will send the final artwork in PDF for the authors to perform a final revision and approval.

 Every article of any of our issues can be consulted and downloaded at: