Considerations about the reduction of the 40-hour working day for the reconciliation of work and family life in Chile
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Working time

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Considerations about the reduction of the 40-hour working day for the reconciliation of work and family life in Chile. (2024). Revista Vía Iuris, 36, 144-178.


This article focuses on comprehensively understanding the effects of the "40-hour" workday established by Law No. 21.561 in Chile, especially in the area of work-family reconciliation. An exploratory and descriptive methodology is used, through the systematic review of scientific literature. The article aims to answer questions about the theoretical implications of family-work conciliation in terms of family well-being and balance. It also seeks to examine the specific provisions associated with the new working day and to analyze the complementary measures and policies implemented in Chile in this context. The article is organized in five sections. The first two sections focus on providing an overview of the literature related to work-family balance. The first addresses the general situation, while the second focuses on the effectiveness and disadvantages associated with work-family reconciliation. Subsequently, the third section examines international trends related to the reduction of working hours. The fourth section is devoted to a detailed analysis of aspects of the new "40-hour" workday legislation, and the fifth section of the article delves into the institutional framework surrounding complementary work-family reconciliation measures in Chile. Finally, taking into consideration the theoretical exploration of the above-mentioned issues, general conclusions are drawn.

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