Approaches to the liberal concept of freedom
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negative liberty
natual state

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Approaches to the liberal concept of freedom. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 10, 73-81.


This paper provides a synthesis of six authors who have worked with liberal ideas of freedom; three are classical authors, while the other three are contemporary. This establishes a continuity between classical theories of freedom and the contemporary approach that will propose answers for the new problems of freedom in the world today, examples include the relinquishment of freedom for the sake of security or the very use of freedom to suppress it itself; it is hoped to reflect on what freedom is in contemporary democratic societies. This research is conducted under the presumption that the liberal theory of freedom contains elements to safeguard it from increasingly authoritarian democratic models. This paper uses a comparative perspective, establishing and interpreting the meaning of freedom for each of these authors from a historical, sociological and philosophical context.

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