Chile-Bolivia-Peru. The role of Arica during the negotiations before and after 1950
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Peruvian politics
port of Arica
diplomatic relations
Treaty of Lima

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Chile-Bolivia-Peru. The role of Arica during the negotiations before and after 1950. (2017). Revista Vía Iuris, 23.


During the government of Gabriel González Videla, Chilean-Bolivian diplomatic relations were re-activated. On this occasion, the possibility of discussing a possible exit to the sea was remitted to condition the creation of a pole of development in the northern Chilean zone, taking advantage of the waters of Lake Titicaca. But, in addition to this process, which was part of the radical policies of the 1940s and 1950s, the port of Arica was a fundamental part of the negotiation. This article will analyze the role of Arica in these negotiations, using primary, secondary and tertiary sources. Likewise, a methodology of qualitative type is used whose temporal dimension is from 1945 to 1951, space that allows to understand how the possession of this port became an integral part of the international conversations of both countries, which bore fruit when that port was involved and they ended up discarding the possibility of acquiring this.

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