Education for peace in Colombia: A responsibility of the social state based on the rule of law
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Right to peace
Social responsibility
education for Peace
Pacific culture
Educational institutions

How to Cite

Education for peace in Colombia: A responsibility of the social state based on the rule of law. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 9, 141-159.


This article emphasizes the responsibility of the State to regulate the supreme inspection and surveillance of the quality of education, specifically in terms of students’ moral formation in order to develop a sustainable culture of peace. The 1991 Constitution also explicitly states that society and the family should equally share the responsibility to educate youth in the values of democracy and peace. Taking these two assertions into consideration, this article develops the thesis that the commitment of individual citizens, as well as institutional initiative, is required in order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, and that the State should be in charge of these processes. It also argues in favor of the importance of such a project given the absences within legal pedagogy that would: 1) facilitate the implementation of these legal orientations in educational material on peace, and 2) guarantee that the law is upheld.

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