A study of John Rawls political philosophy in the approach to the 1991 Colombian Political Constitution
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Overlapping consensus
1991 Colombian Political Constitution
political liberalism
principle of difference
the principle of equality
a Rawls theory of justice

How to Cite

A study of John Rawls political philosophy in the approach to the 1991 Colombian Political Constitution. (2016). Revista Vía Iuris, 22, 13-29. https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/ViaIuris/article/view/776


The paper focuses on a documentary research on the principles presented by John Rawls in Teoria de la Justicia (1971) and El Liberalismo Politico (1996), which leads him towards a reflection on the way in which those principles have evolved; mainly in the human rights field based on the principles of equality and dignity, presented in the rawlsian doctrine, to make a constitutional interpretation. In the jurisprudential analysis, it is presented a result in terms of the definition of justice set by Rawls, against the definition inferred in the 1991 Colombian Constitution, due to the fact that an approximation to the principles of equality and difference are determined. In addition, it is inferred a correlation between equity as a principle for determining the justice in society, trying differently to whom at a disadvantage should be treated differentially.

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