The building of professional and gender identity in the Argentinean Law Administration
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Juridical profession
justice administration
horizontal and vertical segregation

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The building of professional and gender identity in the Argentinean Law Administration. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 9, 11-31.


Women participation in justice administration must be understood within the frame of different ongoing processes in the juridical profession. The expansions of layers’ cohorts and the structural transformations of economy, as well as the reforms of the judicial power, have been associated with a reorganization process of the juridical labor (Bergoglio, 2005). The classic image of the independent professional is not longer a common situation, generating progressive salaried employments: many professionals are absorbed by the justice administration and juridical companies (Bergoglio, 2009).

The growing concentration of woman lawyers in the administration of justice, and their association with the deepening of gender inequalities in this profession, indicates the importance to analyze the dynamics through which these inequalities are reproduced and/or transformed, as well as the contribution of the actors themselves to these processes. In this sense, we get into the perspective and the actions taken by women to properly understand where they build their professional trajectories from, together with their professional and gender identity. Interviews to professionals suggest different explanatory orientations to tackle the situation.

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