Social representations on Human Rights protected by the International Humanitarian Law: an approach from semantic differentials
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Social Representations
Human Rights
International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
Semantic Differential

How to Cite

Social representations on Human Rights protected by the International Humanitarian Law: an approach from semantic differentials. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 8, 79-91.


This article presents the advances of a research on social representations of Human Rights protected by International Humanitarian Law in Students of the University Los Libertadores, in Bogotá. The technique used was the analysis of semantic differential (test and retest), which were built for categories of rights protected by IHL (life, liberty and integrity), acts that threaten or violate these rights and included a category concerning civil society.

The application of this methodological instrument allowed us a first approach to the goal of the project. It is observed, that the participants recognize the proposed subjects and categories, although mostly in a negative value.

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