In concordance with studied academic and legal precedents, this work is backed up from a triple perspective: the permanent necessity for trengthening the essential cores of fundamental rights, the linguistic imprecisions with which concepts like typologies of rights and effective legal protection order have been handled, and, finally, the need for reformulating such incorrect treatment.
By means of a hermeneutic and deductive methodology, the authors have pondered in the matter, aiming to verify the results and assess them in the light of the fundamental principles of law. this will allow us to propose a solution for the proposed problem: is the understanding of the typologies of fundamental rights affecting the effective legal protection order? Regarding the results, it is evidenced that rights can have diverse contents and forms, insofar as guaranteeing integrity, freedom, or equality. These forms are protected by different national and international actions. However, not all the mechanisms in order to guarantee these rights possess the same legal force.
The existence of an effective legal protection order for all kind of rights is not fully reflected in reality. Therefore, the authors believe in the necessity of establishing mechanisms to equally protect all rights. As a general conclusion, it can be said that the effective legal protection order is not obeyed in those systems that only establish penalties for the affectation of integrity rights, being detrimental to equality and freedom.
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