The constitutional model of the Social State subject to the rule of law, its challenges and the constitutionalization of the process
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Social State Subject to the Rule of Law
Liberal Constitutionalism
Liberal State
Democratic State

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The constitutional model of the Social State subject to the rule of law, its challenges and the constitutionalization of the process. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 7, 45-59.


Europe founded a type of State without precedents that has been imposed in almost the whole world, being the most valuable elements of the so-called Constitutional Model of the Social State subject to the rule of law, the Republicanism based on the disaggregation of power, the democratic legitimization of the power, the democratic participation in its conformation, the constitutionalism, the State inherence of the fundamental rights and the Social State of well-being. This article reviews some of the fundamental historical aspects of that model in order to properly understand its implications in our current Constitutional Charter. First, a historical follow-up of the liberal ideas facing the democracy concept is stated. Then, the main sources of the classic Liberal Constitutionalism debate are studied. Finally, some conclusions about the origin of Social State subject to the rule of law are drawn.

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