Revising the new Latin American multilateralism and its impact on the reform of the United Nations Security Council
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Latin America
UN reform
non-violent conflict resolution
Security Council
Latin American multilateralism
global governance

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Revising the new Latin American multilateralism and its impact on the reform of the United Nations Security Council. (2015). Revista Vía Iuris, 18.


Latin America and the Caribbean are in the fourth stage of the so-called cooperative multilateralism. Historically speaking, the current period could be considered as one of transition from an asymmetrical international order to another of relatively balanced multipolarity. In this context, Latin America and the Caribbean are consolidating themselves as a center of autonomous power, although internally unequal. This research intends to answer the following questions: Does the region play an increasingly important role in international forums and is it striving for promoting the renovation and democratization of the United Nations system, taking into account the imperatives of its own political identity? Using a mixed methodology, descriptive and critical, based on the revision of literature and data presented in charts, the study aims to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the current conditions of the regional multilateralism and its impact on the Security Council reformation process. In the consolidation of such new international order, to attain a higher global representation is the irrepressible tendency of a continent which demands acknowledgment as a political center with active voice in the context of international governance processes.

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