Diversionary war, populist tool
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Populist style
Diversionary War
Diversionary Theory
Latin America

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Diversionary war, populist tool. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 17. https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/ViaIuris/article/view/520


This text is born under the research project “Theory of Diversion for leaders with populist style in Latin America”, which aims to find the specific characteristics that a reformulation of the diversionary war theory would need to explain the Latin American cases of populist style. First a review of the main theoretical elements of diversionary war, which explains the war as a way used by the leader to divert attention from the internal problems that can affect their governance. On the other hand, presents the characterization of populism as a form of government, which reformulates the theory of diversion for the specific case of Latin America. As a final point it has the practical testing on relations between Colombia and Venezuela since 2002. During this time it was reached one of the most stressful moments of bilateral relations, being heard about threats of weapons. The question that will allow us to test the theory is whether these situations can be explained by internal issues or really due to differences between the two States.

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