The Superintendence of Residential Public Services is a national agency of technical nature, created from Article 370 of the Constitution of Colombia, which undertakes, by presidential decree, control, inspection and surveillance of the companies providing residential public services; in subjection to the general policies established by the government, and in fulfillment of the duties, responsibilities and powers granted by law and the Constitution.
Users of public services enjoy the support and protection exercised by this agency, through advocacy and implementation of defense mechanisms such as administrative appeals, the use of open channels for participation and citizen control against abuses or violations generated by the service providers; indirectly, through regulatory administrative acts dictated by the same entity, in order to achieve increasingly efficient and effective service delivery.
The Superintendence is ultimately the entity that protects and promotes compliance with the obligations, rights and duties hold by both users and providers of public services, developing the essential purposes of the State, for the general welfare of the population and greater social projection of the inhabitants of the country.
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Corte Constitucional colombiana. Sentencia T-206 (26, abril, 1997). Magistrado José Gregorio Hernández Galindo. Expedientes acumulados T-81209, T-106543, T-110914 y T-111424.
Corte Constitucional colombiana. Sentencia T-377 (03, abril, 2000). Magistrado Alejandro Martínez Caballero. Expediente T- 256.199.
Corte Constitucional colombiana. Sentencia T-270 (19, marzo, 2004). Magistrado Jaime Córdoba Triviño. Expedientes acumulados T-684762, T-684763, T-684765, T-684766, T-684767, T-684768, T-685872, T-685873, T-685874, T-685919, T-685926, T-685927, T-685929, T-685930, T-685942, T-685944 y T-686052.
Corte Constitucional colombiana. Sentencia T-312 (20, abril, 2006). Magistrado Alfredo Beltrán Sierra. Expediente T-1302266.
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