Behind the curtain: Transnational Corporations, Non-Governmental Organizations and Foreign Policy
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Transnational corporations (TNCs)
non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
foreign policy
public opinion

How to Cite

Behind the curtain: Transnational Corporations, Non-Governmental Organizations and Foreign Policy. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 14, 75-87.


Certainly, foreign policy is a key component of government activity that undoubtedly attests to the inter-play of different forces trying to shape decision-making processes. Two of them are transnational corporations (TNCs) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), however, little is known about the strategies successfully used by them to infer the results of foreign policy. This paper makes a comprehensive assessment of theories of foreign policy analysis, comparative politics, and concise case studies, in order to understand the relevance achieved and the strategies employed by these organizations. An analysis of these factors reveals that TNCs’ economic capacity promotes practices such as lobbying, while NGOs possessing greater stature than their counterparts, scrutinize both government and corporate behaviour. On the other hand, TNCs and NGOs actively disseminate ideas, aimed at persuading public or political leaders, all in favour of agendas of their choice. This study adds a better understanding of unofficial sources of foreign policy, which could open up future research paths regarding to the role of non-state actors in public affairs, and their relationship with state’s ruling elites.

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