Tensions between autonomy and protection: Comparative analysis of unnamed precautionary health measures in Colombia, Chile and Brazil
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Precautionary measures
right to health
patient autonomy
comparative law

How to Cite

Tensions between autonomy and protection: Comparative analysis of unnamed precautionary health measures in Colombia, Chile and Brazil. (2024). Revista Vía Iuris, 37, 108-139. https://doi.org/10.37511/


This article examines the legal and bioethical tensions arising from the application of unnamed precautionary measures in the field of health in Colombia, Chile and Brazil. Two distinct categories of unnamed precautionary measures are analyzed: measures aimed at protecting life in emergency situations and measures related to access to medical treatment. Through a comparative jurisprudential analysis, the conflicts between patient autonomy and the State's duty to protect are explored. The research reveals significant differences in the approaches adopted by each country, as well as common challenges in the balancing of fundamental rights. It concludes that a clearer regulatory framework and greater consideration of bioethical principles in judicial decision-making on precautionary health measures are needed

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