Corporate group regime in Colombia: A comparison subsidiary liability in South Korea and Japan.



Corporate groups
subsidiary liability
parent company

How to Cite

Corporate group regime in Colombia: A comparison subsidiary liability in South Korea and Japan. (2024). Revista Vía Iuris, 35, 138-178.


This paper develops a comparative law exercise between the legal systems of Colombia, South Korea and Japan in relation to the regulation of corporate groups, for which the research object of this paper focuses on the legal problem of whether the current Colombian regulation on subsidiary liability favours the parent companies over the controlled companies in the event of insolvency of the latter. To this end,  the concept of business groups, Chaebol and Keiretsu is explored in order to delimit the object of research and determine their main similarities, such as control, the search for common objectives and a hierarchical structure, as well as their differences, such as the cross-shareholding schemes of the Chaebol and Keiretsu, and the influence of family structures in decision-making; Finally, subsidiary liability is addressed, where, based on the regulation of business groups in Colombia, the Chaebols in South Korea and the Keiretsu in Japan, it is observed that Colombian legislation is much more restrictive in terms of business groups than the regulations in South Korea and Japan.


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