Right of defense, immorality and injustice
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Professional Ethics of advocacy
Immoral cases

How to Cite

Right of defense, immorality and injustice. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 11, 79-87. https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/ViaIuris/article/view/123


The adversarial system of adjudication and the right of defense are morally justified (Fiss, 1999), however, from a critical role of the lawyer (cf. Kennedy, 1986) it has been said that the one who agrees defending an immoral cause commits itself an immoral action (Rivera Lopez, 2010). By the method of logical and conceptual analysis, this work defends the idea that it is not morally wrong, as a lawyer, to accept the defense of a client who claims not to be condemned, regardless of whether or not to be condemned. The argument rests on the distinction between action that should make the client and the action to defend themselves in court. The conclusion of this work is that this distinction allows to argue that the act of accepting the defense of a client is not immoral, but there may be moral reasons to refrain from defending it.

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