Structuring the elements of the State's responsibility for the improper use of data related to the state of health. Dogmatic and bio-legal análisis
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Personal data, autonomy, State responsibility, data administration, digital platform, health emergency.

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Structuring the elements of the State’s responsibility for the improper use of data related to the state of health. Dogmatic and bio-legal análisis. (2021). Revista Vía Iuris, 31, 57-74.


With the pandemic caused by the spread of Covid-19, States adopted multiple instruments that not only allowed them to control the transmission of the disease, but also to know in real time the health status of people. Based on the use of applications, the Colombian State and the territorial entities had unlimited access to personal and sensitive data, protected by the exception related to the exercise of public functions and the health emergency.

Taking into account this context, based on the review of a specific case and applying a comparative method with the world benchmark for the processing of personal data, this article aims to show based on what type of responsibility and in what way they articulate their elements, in cases of improper treatment of personal data by the State; In this sense, this document presents the legal and theoretical arguments that allow to affirm that although state entities in compliance with their functions do not require authorization for the processing of personal data, they are not exempt from complying with the Other legal conditions that ensure the rights to privacy, habeas data and personal data.

For the specific case of data related to health status in the context of a health emergency, when state authorities do not expressly inform what is the purpose for which they will process personal data and do not apply the rules of informed consent, there will be room for the attribution of state responsibility for the relevant affectation to goods or rights conventionally and constitutionally protected; this, to the extent that in these cases there is a violation of rights directly related to personality: the right to privacy, habeas data and personal data.

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