Citations must be written following APA (regulations established by the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition, 2009)[1], in agreement with the following criteria.
Short quote
It is less than 40 words long, and it is transcribed immediately afterwards, as part of the text, between quotation marks.
“There will not always be crimes, but there will always be maladaptive, sick, rebel personalities, that is, subject of amendment to whom is compulsory to restrict the autonomy they enjoy” (Pérez, 1950, p. 13).
Extensive quotation
It must have 40 or more words, and it is separated from the normal text of the document, being all the paragraph indented, without quotation marks and double-spaced.
It should be noted here that the bankruptcy unenforceability operates within the boundaries of the injury suffered by the creditors, for which the contested measure has no effect, with full force and effect between the parties and in respect of non-creditors third parties, whereby, the object of the restitution is the good taken from the debtor’s assets, following its guarantee function, not being transferred the property back to the debtor’s head (Grillo, 2002, p. 106).
It is defined as the synthesis or summary of the contributions and analysis of an author. It must be identified with the author’s name, the year of production of the text in parentheses, and the information will be presented in the writer’s own words. This kind of quote does not require the page number.
In this vein, Grillo (2002) expresses how in the inefficiency action the act celebrated by the debtor does not cause effects to creditors, but if does have effects between the parties which concluded the business (between the debtor and the third). At the end, the aim is to proceed as if the act, object of the action, never been done.
Citations within quotations
When quotes mentioned by other authors are referenced.
(Kant, pp. 95-96, 2005, quoted by Nagel, & Sen, 2007).
At the end of the document there must be a heading stating “Bibliographical References”. The reference list must be done using the bibliographical sources used in the text, by alphabetical order and taking as a referent the first author cited.
The reference list must be written at 1.5 spacing, with indentation in the second line and separated by a full stop, new paragraph.
Bibliographical references must be listed as follows:
Author, A. (2003). Title. Place of publication: Publishing House.
Chapter of a book
Author, A. (2003). Title of the chapter. In A. Axxxx y B. Bxxxx (Edits.), Title (pp. 111- 222). Place of publication: Publishing House.
Periodical or non-periodical publication (articles in journals)
Author, A. (2003). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume or year (issue of the journal), pages.
Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D. & Author, E. (2003). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume or year (issue of the journal), pages.
Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D. & Author, E. (2003). Title (Nº of edition or reimpression; translator). Place of publication: Publishing House. (Date of publication of original work, in case it is a translation).
On-line electronic documents of periodical or non-periodical publication
Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D. & Author, E. (2003). Title of the article. Title of the on-line publication. Accessed on month, day and year at http://www.xxxx.xxxx./xxx
Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D. & Author, E. (2003). Title of the work, article or publication. Accessed on month, day and year at http://www.xxxx.xxxx./xxx
Congresses or any other event
Author, A. (2003). Title. Speech presented in Name of the Congress or event, Place, Country.
Author, A. (2003). Title of the work. Presented at the Poster Session in Name of the Congress or event, Place, Country.
Thesis and graduation projects
Author, A. (2003). Title. Unpublished Doctoral Research, Name. University, City, Country.
For juridical material the following advices must be taken into account
National Juridical Material
Official name of the Constitution, [abbreviation]. Cited article. Date of the Constitution promulgation (Country). Laws without codes Number, Year. Subject matter. Date of promulgation. Official Gazette, abbreviated as “O.G”, where the law was published.
Laws with codes
Official title of the code, [abbreviation]. Number and year. Article(s) cited. Date of promulgation (country of origin).
Court that pronounced the judgment. Chamber or section (if applicable). Number of the judgment or process. (Magistrate Advisor of Judge; date of ruling must be indicated).
International Juridical Material
International bilateral Treaties and Agreements:
Name of the Treaty or Agreement. Topic. Participant States. Article. Date.
Multilateral Treaties and Agreements
Name of the Treaty or convention. Article. Date of signature.
International Courts Jurisprudence
Name of the Court. Name of Case (Axxx Vs Bxxx), Abbreviated volume number. Decision publishing date.
Other cases such as arbitral awards
Axxx Vs. Bxxx. Case reference. Type of process (Date)
[1] Taken from APA 2001