Towards the redesign of the mechanism of extension of jurisprudence in Colombia: A proposal from the study of the strength of the constitutional precedent.
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Keywords: Jurisprudence, judicial precedent, constitutional precedent, administrative contentious judge, extension of the jurisprudence, authorities.

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Towards the redesign of the mechanism of extension of jurisprudence in Colombia: A proposal from the study of the strength of the constitutional precedent. (2020). Revista Vía Iuris, 28, 13-26.


Since its appearance in the Colombian legal system through Law 1437 of 2011, the figure of the extension of jurisprudence has been classified as an effective instrument to ensure the application of the administrative contentious precedent by the national authorities, providing agility to the procedures advanced by the administered. Although the mechanism rekindles the importance of the judicial precedent as a source of law in Colombia, the determination of a specific type of sentence to support the request for extension, Unification sentences of the Council of State, in practice ignores the constitutional precedent, despite its recognized binding for all authorities in the country.

Under these circumstances, this article intends to propose a reflection on the possible revision and redesign of the extension of jurisprudence in Colombia, in order to guarantee definitively the effectiveness of the recognition of constitutional judicial and administrative litigation precedents by all the authorities.

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