Development of the public management to attend colombian childhood by means of local participation environments
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Citizen participation
polítical management public
childhood and adolescence
situation of risk in minor

How to Cite

Development of the public management to attend colombian childhood by means of local participation environments. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 4, 127-137.


Locally, we can see that there are many environments able to guaratee the citizen’s participation. However, the reason why the community does not know the reach and existance of these environments is not clear enough, particularly considering that they provide a solution to the existing and potential needs of each neighborhood, residential area and particular populations under specific conditions. In order to support these environments, it was created the Local Council of of Social Policies (LCSP) in each locality. The Distrital Council for Social Politics is an instance for the agreement and pursuit of the social policies of the Distrital Capital, it is of a mixed nature and its main objective is to promote the formulation, integrity and complementary condition of the performance of public institutions and musters the solidarity and correspondance of the different social sectors and the international cooperation; in searchof a progressive fulfillment of fundamental rights. Having all this into account, this article will sustain the links in programs and projects where the community is the one that decides, plans and projects the public policies addressed to satisfy needs.

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