Destruction of cultural heritage: war crime
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Humanitarian law
Cultural heritage
War crime
Historic evolution
Resolution 2347
Case of Timbuktu

How to Cite

Destruction of cultural heritage: war crime. (2018). Revista Vía Iuris, 25, 145-159.


Cultural heritage is given historical and cultural values ​​for a given nation. It must be considered that many of these goods are identity and memory of the history and culture of all mankind. The intentional and direct destruction of a cultural heritage in a given territory in time of war is a war crime and must be treated as such by humanitarian law. The article analyzes the case of Timbuktu, in which the destruction of cultural patrimony was considered a crime of war. A brief history on the protection of cultural heritage in times of war is presented, as well as current legislation, among them Resolution 2347 of the United Nations Security Council, the first resolution aimed only at the protection of cultural heritage in case of armed conflict. Finally, the first indictment of a war crime by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Direct Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Mali is addressed.

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