This article describes the latest advances of an exploratory research based on qualitative methodologies whose main topic is the (in)effectiveness of environmental law in Argentina. The work scrutinizes the labor carried out by the Legislative Power both at federal and at local levels (National Congress and Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) by applying objectively verifiable indicators within a logical framework approach. The study aims to discern the extent to which the seed of the ineffectiveness of environmental law in Argentina also depends on the parliamentary management, or if such ineffectiveness is the result solely to administrative and judicial actions. These two branches of the State were scrutinized by the Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) in two successive quantitative studies published in 2006. Therefore, the qualitative approach and the monitoring of the performance of legislative environmental management are areas of cognitive vacancy in Argentina at present. Accordingly, at this stage of our research, the comparative study with other countries is beyond the specific objective of this paper. The operationalization of the specific objectives of research plan has been made by using objectively verifiable indicators within a logical framework approach. To draw up a matrix of indicators applicable to legislative activities, the author of this paper has taken into consideration the matrix used by Inece to monitor the effectiveness of Environmental Law in the judicial and administrative fields. On this matrix basis a third matrix of indicators was developed to know the aspects of the legislative work that most affect the inefficiency of environmental law. Our research follows a qualitative-driven approach. The partial results obtained after two rounds of interviews with key informants in the legislative sector are detailed in this paper. Between both rounds of the survey some adjustments based on the experiences gathered were made, so we consider that this third matrix is still in its experimental phase.
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