The work is the research book version made by the author on the general right of the personality set forth in article 70 of the Portuguese Civil Code. In it are generally protected, extra-patrimonial assets that make up the human personality, such as life, existence, physical integrity, honor, health, equality, security, identity, privacy, secrecy , feelings, among others; and the development of the personality of the unborn (fetus), as well as issues related to the corpse and the memory of the deceased.
The author determines the civil liability of individuals, of legal entities (private and public collective persons), especially of the State, for damages to human personality, as well as jurisdictional protection of their effectiveness, also in International and Community Law .
It presents the limits of the general right of personality, especially in cases of abuse of rights, collision of rights, including causes of justification of wrongfulness and contractual relations. Articulates the general right of personality with the other special rights of personality, even with other legal institutes that are close or related (such as public subjective rights and fundamental rights). Investigate the protection of the personality of legal persons. To end by characterizing the nature of the general right of personality, as a subjective right, absolute personal, fundamental and materially constitutional.
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