Political philosophy of impunity: reflections on the statutory framework for the post-conflict
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transitional justice

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Political philosophy of impunity: reflections on the statutory framework for the post-conflict. (2016). Revista Vía Iuris, 21. https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/ViaIuris/article/view/727


This article proposes a reflection on the implications of impunity from the political perspective of justice, in an attempt to contribute with the public debate on the issues concerning the statutory framework for the Colombian post-conflict. The methodology applied to give structure to the discussion is to support it on one of Hannah Arendt’s most meaningful works for the political philosophy tradition, articulating her premises regarding the concept of justice and its connection with legitimacy with the proposals for the statutory framework for the post-conflict in Colombia. After presenting an overview of the evolution of transitional justice, a disquisition on the political nature of legal decisions is developed. Lastly, the article finishes undermining the false dilemma between justice and peace on which the essence of the statutory framework for the post-conflict is based.

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