From the look of a "global" system, serious defects are found in institutions (civil status of persons, education, law enforcement, social environment, etc.), and the manifestations of the social body and individuals (political, economy, culture, morality, art, science, etc.), influenced and permeated by the religious field. So, he was raised as a research problem discussion on what would be the legal phenomena and legal partner in the field of civil law, education system and law enforcement, undermine the institutionalization and development of the secular State in Colombia from 1991 constitution from the perspective of the constitutional criteria of the right to equality, freedom of religion and free development of personality. This in order to identify and characterize the light of constitutional jurisprudence legal phenomena and legal partner last confessional State in Colombia, which remain valid in practice, being contrary to the direction and development of the principles that make up the State lay in Colombia.
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