Management power of the employer vs. access to technology and computer resources within the company
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fundamental rights
nonspecific constitutional rights
power steering
access to technological resources in the enterprise
access to information technology in the enterprise

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Management power of the employer vs. access to technology and computer resources within the company. (2015). Revista Vía Iuris, 18.


Their journey in the present investigation seeks to determine the power steering which the employer has to run the business, should not be exercised absolute and disproportionate, since in terms of technological any disproportionate control is effected by the owner of the company, may affect both labor rights as nonspecific constitutional rights of workers, the latter being even higher than agreed or established within their own contract.

So, shall be determined in the present study that any violation of the right of access to information within the company; control of the personal and intimate information workers, as well as inspection of corporate mail (even mail the company assigned to the employee) may affect the rights to privacy and dignity of the worker, and collateral damage other rights such as equality and non-discrimination work.

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