The article reviews recent changes in the social organization of the legal profession in Latin America and discusses possible consequences of these trends on the role of Law in social transformation processes. In most Latin American countries, the expansion of higher education has contributed to increase the number of lawyers and has diversified the social composition of this professional group in terms of gender, class, and ethnic group.
Meanwhile, other general processes such as the expansion of the judicial power or the development of large legal firms highlight the diversity of these professionals’ occupational insertion. This diversification implies a trend towards salaried employment, which makes less frequent the traditionally independent professional practice. Lawyers increasingly find themselves working not as independent professionals but as employees of bureaucratically organized law firms or in government departments.
It is possible to assume that the experience of economic neoliberal reforms has deepened not only occupational diversity, but also income inequalities, among lawyers, as it happened with the general population. The analysis of Argentina house surveys confirms the trend for this country, showing that lawyers tend to share their clients’ fate.
Consequences of this growing diversity on the role of Law in social transformations processes are discussed using different theoretical approaches.
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