¿To march or not to march? That is the question: legal movilization in times of turmoil for the LGBT sector in Colombia
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Fundamental rights
legal mobilization
social movements

How to Cite

¿To march or not to march? That is the question: legal movilization in times of turmoil for the LGBT sector in Colombia. (2014). Revista Vía Iuris, 10, 157-165. https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/ViaIuris/article/view/391


This article comes in the middle of the turbulent situation that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population (LGBT) in Colombia is going through, which has been historically marginalized and invisibilized. Despite recent legal recognitions obtained by the LGBT people, expressions of violence and hatred against them persist at levels of concern. It is therefore appropriate to reflect about the extent of legal recognition for the LGBT social movement in order to gain visibility, equality, and respect for their diversity. To address this issue is taken as the base the work of Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll, Colombian jurist specialized in legal theory, social movements and feminisms, as she has been probably the only Colombian author who has reflected from the legal field about agreements and disagreements between social movements and the legal system. After going through the statements of Lemaitre, is concluded that despite the attacks and discrimination which LGBT population is still a victim, legal mobilization should not be abandoned as a strategy for recognition and affirmation.

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