From the Collapse of the Empire to the German Republic. An Analysis of the Democratic Experiment in Weimar
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Weimar Republic
November revolution
Democratic experiment
Constituent assembly

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From the Collapse of the Empire to the German Republic. An Analysis of the Democratic Experiment in Weimar. (2024). Revista Vía Iuris, 37, 239-270.


This article aims to analyze, from a historical perspective, the genesis of the Weimar Republic. The constitutional development incorporated therein became a multifaceted experience of ideological factions, ranging from the extreme left to the most radical nationalist movement that appealed to racial differentiation, the cultural nation and the prophesied destiny of Germany. In order to develop this analysis, some of the events known as the November Revolution were examined in primary sources, the main constitutional axes emanating from the Assembly gathered in Weimar were investigated, and some points of analysis were made regarding the intellectual movement that faced the new republic. Finally, the Treaty of Versailles is analyzed as an essential element to understand the beginning of that crucial democratic experiment for German society and for Western civilization.

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