The Constitutional Court’s ruling T 033/2022 establishes the legal recognition of the third gender in the identification documents and also determines that the Congress of the Republic regulates everything related to this third gender in the branches of Colombian law. Within the legal adjustments, the inclusion of this gender in the Colombian Pension System must be guaranteed, in this case, in the Medium Premium Regime in the old age pension. The main objective of this article is based on determining the considerations for the inclusion of the non-binary gender in the old age pension in the Average Premium Regime and some specific objectives are proposed, the first is related to the proposal of some aspects to be considered for the application of a possible pension reform regarding the inclusion of this gender; the second, seeks to analyze and propose possible solutions to the aspects considered. The above, by means of descriptive-reflective research that concluded in the analysis of aspects to be considered for the inclusion of the non-binary gender in the General Pension System within the Medium Premium Regime.
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