Psircular: a reflective scenario on the constructions of the psychosocial and the armed conflict in Colombia


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Social and community psychology
armed conflict
psychosocial phenomena
participatory action research

How to Cite

Soto Triana, J. S., Venegas Luque, R., & Rincón Oñate, C. A. (2023). Psircular: a reflective scenario on the constructions of the psychosocial and the armed conflict in Colombia. Revista Vía Iuris, 34, 99-116.


This paper aims to show the relevance of the research findings in the formation of a Psychosocial Research - Action team and in the elaboration of proposals for the development of training processes in the field, meeting the challenges posed by contemporary psychosocial phenomena in Colombia and the Region of the Americas, in line with the emergence of a psychological, relational, narrative, and historical subject. The team results from the consolidation of the Center for Psychosocial Studies and Action -Psircular- as a center of Social Projection of the Faculty of Psychology of the Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. It is presented through the experience and reflection gained by research and action in various projects, especially around the armed conflict in the country, because from the work with survivors: victims and ex-combatants of various armed groups, the possibility of delving into the comprehensive exercise of social and political dynamics that frame the psychological and its diversity arises. The proposal that emerges is based on the training of psychosocial actors who, as managers, can understand and act from a critical, constructive and transforming model of the realities in which they operate as members of the communities or as implementers of projects in the psychosocial field.

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