Dispute resolution clauses in the French East India Trading Company
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Company- Conflict resolution- Arbitration- Colonies- Absolutism.

How to Cite

Dispute resolution clauses in the French East India Trading Company. (2022). Revista Vía Iuris, 33, 13-24. https://doi.org/10.37511/viaiuris.n33a1


This essay focuses on the form of resolving conflicts in the incipient capital companies that inspired the legal entities we know today as corporations, specifically, in the French East India Company, which in 1664 already had all the characteristic elements of this type of company.

Being such an important precedent in the matter of capital companies, the question arises as to whether their founders had also contemplated in their bylaws some formula for the resolution of corporate conflicts and, if so, which ones, so that, once the document has been analyzed and the existence of such clauses has been determined, they can be described and identified as to their legal nature in order to conclude whether they are in any way similar to the mechanisms that prevail today.

In setting out our hypothesis, we have proposed that this Company has dispute resolution formulas and that these are probably related to arbitration and consular jurisdiction, in view of the historical context.

Indeed, after making a legal historical framework of institutions related to the object of study and translating, examining and describing the founding document of the Company, that is, the Declaration of Louis XIV of 1664, we have been able to determine that, indeed, formulas for the resolution of corporate conflicts were considered, which we will analyze in the development of this presentation.

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