About the Journal


 Via Iuris is a publication of the Faculty of Law, Political Science and International Affairs at Los Libertadores University, which is biannually published (January and July). Its editorial interest is put on the publication and diffusion of internal and external research results, both nationally and internationally. It intends to articulate topics  of  juridical  and  socio-juridical  interest  with other  fields  such  as  Political  Science,  International Affairs  and  Humanities  in  general,  which  are  finally the areas where documents will be received.

 The publication is addressed to specialized academic communities,  research  groups,  and  researchers  in  general, interested in publishing the results obtained in  their  research  efforts  carried  out  on  the  topics  presented by the journal.

 Formal requirements

For authors

 Article submission guidelines

 Article submission type 1, 2 or 3, or the submission of any other document to the Journal Editor must be  done  by  electronic  document  sent  to  iuris@libertadores.edu.co through  the  OJS  application  https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/ViaIuris or as a printed document sent to the following address: Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores. Faculty of Law, Political Science  and  International.  Cra 16  Nº  63A-68. Sede Administrativa Of 306 (Centro de Investigaciones Sociojurídicas). Bogotá D.C., Colombia. PBX (00) 57 -1- 25544750 / Ext 3204.

 Originality y exclusiveness

 Articles must be forwarded  to  the  Journal  Editor together  with  a  letter  certifying  that  these  are  un published and original, that is, the author or authorscertify  and  accept  that:  a)   The  text  has  not  been forwarded  simultaneously  to  another  journal  or  b) that  the  text  has  not  been  previously  published  or accepted for publication in any other journal (see the Declaration of Originality form).

 Publication dates

 The  journal  will  be  published  on  January  and  July yearly. Articles in  Spanish, English,  Portuguese  and French will be accepted.

 Kind of articles accepted

 Research  and  innovation  articles  will  be  received,understood as “original and unpublished production”[1](TMG-COLCIENCIAS,  2013,  p.  32), “on scientific, technological   or   academic   subjects,   as   result   of  research, reflection or review processes” (p. 32). They will be evaluated by peers who appreciate originality, contribution, and validation of results.

 The article  categories  preferably  applicable  for  their publication in the magazine are[2]:

  1.  Scientific and technological  research  articles:  Documents that show, in a detailed manner, the original results of research projects. The structure generally   used   has  four   parts:   Introduction, methodologies, results, and conclusions.
  2.  Reflection articles: Documents that show the results of a research from an author’s analytical, investigative, or critical  perspective  about  a  specific topic and resorting to original sources.
  3.  Review article: Documents resulting  from  a research  where  published  or  unpublished  results are analyzed, systematized and integrated about  a  scientific  or  technical  field,  with  the  purpose  of  showing  the  progress  and  tendencies  in  their  development. These documents are characterized by a conscientious bibliographical review of at least fifty (50) references.

 Other articles accepted are:


 Document written by the editor, a member of  the  editorial  committee,  or  a  guest  researcher about  some  orientations  on  the  topic  scope  of  the journal.

 Literature  review:

 Critical  presentation  of  literature concerning the interest of the field of study and those of the journal.

 Presentation of original texts

  1. Text must be  written  in  Word,  font  Arial  12, letter  size,  with  a  minimum  extension  of  25 pages and a maximun of 30, 1.5 spacing
  2. It must be clearly stated the title, the author’s name, with footnotes  expressing  the  institutional  affiliation,  the  title  of  the  project  the article  stems  from,  year  of  development,  address,  city,  country,  and  e-mail  account  (see the attached form for the article writer[3]).
  3. Forward, either electronically or physically, the authors’ full CV  containing  information  about academic   and   professional   data,   academic highlights,  institutional  and  personal  e-mail, and research group to which he/she belongs to.
  4. Articles must include a)  an  analytical  abstract  b) the abstract must be in its original language and English, with a maximum extension of 200 words. It must also include c) Six (6) Key words, d)  Key  words  describing  the  content  must  be  written in Spanish and English, e) introduction, f)   methodology,   g)   results   and discussion,  h)   conclusions,   i)   bibliography   and,   when necessary, j) tables, figures, and graphics (with an appropriate resolution).
  5. Citations must be written following APA (regulations established by the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition, 2009)[4], in agreement with the following criteria.

 Short quote

 It is less than 40 words long, and it is transcribed immediately afterwards, as  part  of  the  text,  between quotation marks.


 “There will not always be crimes, but there will always be maladaptive, sick, rebel personalities, that is, subject of amendment to whom is compulsory to restrict the autonomy they enjoy” (Pérez, 1950, p. 13).

 Extensive quotation

 It  must  have  40  or  more  words,  and  it  is  separated from the normal text of the document, being all the paragraph  indented,  without  quotation  marks  and  double-spaced.



It  should  be  noted  here  that  the  bankruptcy  unenforceability  operates  within  the  boundaries  of  the  injury suffered by the creditors, for which the contested measure has no effect, with full force and effect between  the  parties  and  in  respect  of  non-creditors  third parties, whereby, the object of the restitution is the good taken from the debtor’s assets, following its guarantee function, not being transferred the property back to the debtor’s head  (Grillo, 2002, p. 106).


 It  is  defined  as  the  synthesis  or  summary  of  the contributions  and  analysis  of  an  author.  It must be   identified   with   the   author’s   name,   the   year of production of  the  text  in  parentheses,  and  the information  will  be  presented  in  the  writer’s  own words. This kind of quote does not require the page number.


 In  this  vein,  Grillo  (2002)  expresses  how  in  the inefficiency  action  the  act  celebrated  by  the  debtor does  not  cause  effects  to  creditors,  but  if  does  have  effects  between  the  parties  which  concluded  the business  (between  the  debtor  and  the  third).  At the end, the aim is to proceed as if the act, object of the action, never been done.

 Citations within quotations

 When   quotes   mentioned   by   other   authors are referenced.


 (Kant,  pp.  95-96,  2005,  quoted  by  Nagel,  &  Sen, 2007).

 At the end of the document there must be a heading

stating  “Bibliographical  References”. The  reference list  must  be  done  using  the  bibliographical  sources used in the text, by alphabetical order and taking as a referent the first author cited.

 The reference list must be written at 1.5 spacing, with indentation in the second line and separated by a full stop, new paragraph.

 Bibliographical references must be listed as follows:


 Author,   A.   (2003).   Title. Place   of   publication:  Publishing House.

 Chapter of a book

 Author, A. (2003). Title of the chapter. In A. Axxxx y B. Bxxxx (Edits.), Title (pp. 111-      222). Place of publication: Publishing House.

 Periodical or non-periodical publication (articles in journals)

 Author, A. (2003). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume or year (issue of the journal), pages.

 Author,  A.,  Author,  B.,  Author,  C.,  Author,  D.  &  Author,  E.  (2003). Title  of  the     article.  Title of  the  journal,  volume  or  year  (issue  of  the  journal), pages.

 Author,  A.,  Author,  B.,  Author,  C.,  Author,  D.  &  Author,  E.  (2003). Title (Nº  of      edition  or  reimpression;  translator).  Place  of  publication: Publishing  House.        (Date  of  publication  of  original work, in case it is a translation).

 On-line electronic documents of periodical or non-periodical publication

 Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D. & Author, E. (2003). Title of the article.     Title of the on-line publication. Accessed on month, day and year at    http://www.xxxx.xxxx./xxx

 Author,  A.,  Author,  B.,  Author,  C.,  Author,  D.  &  Author, E. (2003). Title of the         work, article or publication. Accessed on month, day and year at    http://www.xxxx.xxxx./xxx

 Congresses or any other event

 Author, A. (2003). Title. Speech presented in Name of the Congress or event, Place,      Country.

 Author, A. (2003). Title of the work. Presented at the Poster  Session  in  Name  of  the             Congress  or  event, Place, Country.

 Thesis and graduation projects

 Author,   A.   (2003). Title.   Unpublished  Doctoral  Research, Name. University, City,    Country.

 For juridical material the following advices must be taken into account National Juridical Material


 Official  name  of  the  Constitution,  [abbreviation]. Cited   article.   Date  of   the         Constitution  promulgation (Country). Laws without codes Number, Year.         Subject matter. Date of promulgation. Official Gazette, abbreviated as “O.G”,       where the law was published.

 Laws with codes

 Official title of the code, [abbreviation]. Number and year.  Article(s)  cited.  Date  of  promulgation (country of origin).


 Court   that   pronounced   the   judgment.   Chamber  or  section  (if  applicable).         Number  of  the judgment  or  process. (Magistrate  Advisor  of Judge; date of      ruling must be indicated).

 International Juridical Material

 International bilateral Treaties and Agreements:

 Name of the Treaty or Agreement. Topic. Participant States. Article. Date.

 Multilateral Treaties and Agreements

 Name  of  the  Treaty  or  convention.  Article.  Date of signature.

 International Courts Jurisprudence

 Name of the Court. Name of Case  (Axxx  Vs  Bxxx), Abbreviated    volume    number.               Decision  publishing date.

 Other cases such as arbitral awards

 Axxx Vs. Bxxx. Case reference. Type of process (Date)

 Reception, arbitration, approval, and publication of articles.

 The    procedure    for    the    reception,    arbitration, approval,  and  publication  of  articles  will  go  through the following stages: reception, editorial review, peer review, acceptance or refusal of texts, style correction, layout, publishing and delivery of copies.


Reception of articles

  1.  The articles will be received in an electronic text format at the e-mail account iuris@libertadores.edu.co or through  the  OJS  application  https://revistas.libertadores.edu.co/index.php/ViaIuris, or      physically by   mail   in   the Fundación Universitaria  Los Libertadores,  Faculty  of  Law,  Political  Science  and    Cra  16  Nº  63A–68.  Oficina  306  (Centro  de  Investigaciones  Sociojurídicas). Bogotá    D.C.,    Colombia.    PBX    (00)    57-1-25544750 / Ext 3204.
  2.  The documents will  be  received  in  two  due dates, first date (November- February), second date (May-August). However, the Journal could receive submissions any time of the year.
  3.  Articles must be registered  according  to  due dates. A notice will be sent via e-mail.

 First editorial review

  1.  The editorial committee,  by  means  of  the  editor,  will  check  the  fulfillment  of  all  the formal  aspects  established  in  the  publication regulations for authors and the pertinence with the journal topic scope.
  2.  The original could be returned to the sender(s) if formal failure to comply with the regulations is observed, and  will  only  be  sent  to  revision  and  evaluation  once  informed  changes  are  made by the author(s) via e-mail.
  3.  The editorial committee  can  also  return  an  original if it does not adjust to the topic domain of  the  journal.  This  decision  will  be  informed  via e-mail.
  4.  Once accomplished all the formal aspects and previous to a  favorable  pertinence  concept,  the  committee  will  check  the  document  and  send it to external evaluators.

External or peer review

  1. Once accomplished the editorial review stage, articles are sent to external or peer evaluation.
  2. The journal will use the Double Blind Review System, which guarantees  the  peer evaluators  and  authors’  anonymity,  in  order  to  avoid  personal, ideological, gender or any other kind of  interference  along  the  evaluation  process  and scientific publication.
  3. The journal counts    on    a    national    and   international   peer   directory   (peer   review) pointing  out  to  the  topics  contained  in  the journal.
  4. The selection of external evaluation peers will be carried out  taking  into  consideration  their prove knowledge and academic production in specific areas.
  5. The selection of evaluators for each article will be in the  hands  of  the  Editorial  Committee,  according to the content of each text. Articles will be submitted to two (2) external evaluators; in case of disagreement between them, a third evaluator  might be  consulted,  as  decided  by the Editorial Committee.
  6. External evaluators will  be  contacted  for  the submission  of  the  document  to  be  evaluated, once  accepted  the  designation  made  by  the Editorial Committee, previous manifestation of confidentiality  and  security.  They  will  have  8 days for the submission of the evaluation with the pertaining recommendations.
  7. External evaluation results  will  be  sent  to  the Editor via e-mail, and he/she will be in charge of  sending  this  information  to  the  authors anonymously.


Approval or rejection of documents

  1.  Taking into account  the  evaluators’  reports, the  Editor  will  contact  the  author(s)  to  inform the  approval,  approval  with  modifications  or corrections or rejection of the article.
  2.  In the case of approved articles, authors will be informed via e-mail about the due dates.
  3.  If articles are accepted after previous revision, modification or corrections,  the editor  will  send the evaluation and suggestions.
  4.  The author will have 8 days to send the article back with the modifications and/or corrections suggested by the evaluators through the editor. Otherwise, it will be  understood  that  authors revoked their proposals.
  5.  Once received the texts, they will be sent back again to the  evaluators  or  to  the  members  of  the  Editorial  Committee  for  5  days  in  order  for  them  to  verify  if  changes  were  made  in  compliance with evaluators’ suggestions.
  6.  After verifying the  corrections,  evaluators  will  send  their  final  consent  and  the editor  will  notify the authors.
  7.  If the document is rejected, the editor will send the author an e-mail pointing out the reasons.
  8.  Once accepted the  document,  el  author(s)  must  submit  a)  the  authorization  format  for  publication and reproduction, b) the format for Property Rights transfer.
  9.  The ideas and  opinions  stated  in  the  articles  are the author’s responsibility and they do not necessarily reflect the editorial opinion.
  10.  The Editorial Committee  reserves  to  itself  the  decision  concerning  the  issue  in  which  the  article  will  be  published,  following  editorial  criteria that will be notified to the author(s).


Style correction and layout

  1. Once approved, the articles will be subject to morpho-syntactic and style revision.
  2. Having received the  corrections,  authors  can  make  and  suggest  modifications and  approve  form changes.
  3. When changes are   made,   the   editor   will   submit,   in   PDF   format,   the   last   designed  draft  for  revision. No structural  changes  are allowed in approved documents.

Publications Ethics

 Via  Iuris  journal  requests  those  involved  in  the  editorial  process:  editors,  reviewers,  authors,  and  other   participants,   to   strictly   follow   international   ethical  standards  provided  by  the  Committee  on  Publication Ethics (COPE).



Publication guarantees:

  1.  Freedom of speech  of  the  authors,  attention  to diversity and minorities.
  2.  Freedom of choice  of  reviewers  and  editor. Editorial decisions will always be communicated with reasons to the authors.
  3.  The responsibility of  the  director,  editor  and coeditors in preserving the anonymity of authors and reviewers during the review process.
  4.  The confidentiality agreement with the data and texts by reviewers and editors.
  5.  Careful review of the texts to avoid any form of plagiarism or  quotes  manipulation; through a  detailed  review  through  plagiarism  detection programs, coupled with the peer review process.
  6.  In case of controversy related to: i) Redundant or published publications; ii) Suspected  plagiarism  in  manuscript;  iii)  Suspected  fabricated  data;  iv)  Coauthor  ship  or  addition  of  authors;  v)  Conflict of interest, or any other, the procedure will  be  the  established  by  the  Committee  on  Publication Ethics (COPE).


Concerning the authors, they must ensure;

  1.  Consistency and reliability in research.
  2.  Honesty, no fraud, forgery or  manipulation  of data.
  3.  Originality, ie. that the  document  has  not  been  published  or  submitted simultaneously  to  more  than one publication.
  4.  Transparency with sources  of  research  funding,  including  direct  and  indirect  financial  support,  provision  of  equipment  or  materials  or  other  support.
  5.  Disclaimer: The authors  should  adjust  the  text  to   publication   standards   established   by   the   magazine. They  must  work  making  corrections  fast   and   agile.   They   must   respond   to   the   acceptance  or  rejection  and  suggestions  of  the reviewers in the established times.
  6. Information on authorship and  presentation  of  accurate information.
  7. Timely response to requests made by the editorial team of the magazine.


 When  submitting  articles  to  Via  Iuris  journal,  the  article  writers  send  the Declaration  of  Originality  and  Ownership  of  the  submitted  documents,  as  well as their declaration of not being simultaneously submitting them to other publications. Nevertheless, and in spite of the efforts the Journal makes in order to  avoid  plagiarism,  if  it  occurs,  the  author(s)  of  the  contents  found  as  plagiarism  will  be appointed  as  legally liable.

 The  articles  identified  as  plagiarism  will  be  publicly  denounced and removed from the electronic versions of  the  Journal.  However, the public denouncement  will remain included in the table of contents.

 Conflict of interests


Via Iuris journal request the authors, arbitrators, director, editor, coeditor, members of the Editorial or Scientific Committee,   or   other  participants   and   interested   parties in the editorial process to inform any situation that  might  generate  a  conflict  of  interests  affecting  the “validity or integrity of the research” (see: Peiró, García-Altés, Meneu, Librero & Bernal, 2000, p. 1).

 It is necessary to include the source of funding for the research in the article’s writer form.

 Retraction Policy

 Via  Iuris  Journal  strives  for  the  quality,  originality,  relevance,  coherence,  transparency,  and  ethics  of  the   published   articles,   although   the   authors   are   exclusively liable for their contents.

 In  all  cases  in  which  well  supported  conflicts  may  arise,  Via  Iuris  Journal  will  request  the  author(s)  to  state the corresponding clarifications or explanations, and  these  will  be  the  ones  who  will  be  considered  legally liable for any accusations attributed to them.

 In   the   case   there   is   no   participation   from   the  article   writer(s)   in   the   corresponding   corrections  or   clarifications,   the   Journal   will   formulate   the   clarifications it considers appropriate and will publicly state the author(s) lack of participation.


 For all cases deserving it, Via Iuris Journal will publish in  its  content  (mentioned  in  the  table  of  contents  and  presented  at  the  final  part  of  the  publication)  an  Errata  section  at  the  end  of  the  following  issue  with  the  necessary  corrections. In the  case  of  the  electronic   publication,   the   clarification   will   be   included in the content of the referred article and will be appropriately mentioned in the table of contents.

 Such  corrections  will  be  made  for  the  cases  in  which secondary aspects of typing or spelling errors, names  or  other  cases  of  lesser  importance  do  not  transcendentally affect the published content. When the identified errors are more severe, compromising the  veracity  and  ethics  of  the  contents,  they  will  be  correspondingly  subjected  to  the  retraction  or  plagiarism policy.

 International Ethical Norms

 Whenever  necessary,  an  explanation  on  the  followed  procedures  for  research  will  be  included  to  guarantee  the  fulfillment  to  the  principles  and  ethical norms in the Declaration of Helsinki (1975) and subsequent revisions.

 It is requested that you check the following document:

 Tur-Viñes,  V.,  Fonseca,  M.  &  Gutiérrez,  B.  (2012).  Ética   de   la   publicación            científica:   iniciativas   y   recomendaciones.  El  profesional  de  la              información,  vol.  21,  septiembre-octubre  (Nº  5),  pp.  491-497. Accessed            on    20/05/2013    of    http://eprints.rclis. org/17726/1/EPI%20publicado%20491-497.pdf


Bibliographical References


Peiró,  S.;  García-Altés,  A.;  Meneu,  R.;  Librero,  J.; Bernal, E. (2000). La declaración del conflicto de  intereses  en  las  publicaciones  científicas.       ¿Tiempo  para  las  luces  y  taquígrafos  en  la  trastienda  de  la  investigación  financiada  por  la  industria?  Gaceta  Sanitaria,  vol.  14  (6),  472-481.            Accessed on  20/05/2013  of  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0213-9111(00)71915-7


[1]     See terms of reference for measurement of research groups 2013

[2] Information taken from the índice Bibliográfico Nacional Publindex.  Available in Accessed on June 18th, 2010

[3] The requested form must include: Title of the Article; Author(s); Institution  (research  group);  Academic  Degrees;  Publications  in other journals; Full Address; Phone Number; Fax; and e-mail.

[4] Taken from APA 2001